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Making Your Goals SMART Pt. 2

Writer's picture: Julie & JohnJulie & John

Looking at the Realistic power of Attraction of your goal

For our second article in our series on Making Your Goal SMART, we continue to share how to effectively achieve your goal(s) and prevent certain roadblocks before you even “begin."

Last week, we offered strategies to help you make your goal:

S - Specific and

M - Measurable

This week, we will focus on the A and R of the acronym:

A - Attractive

R - Realistic

A - Attractive:

Perhaps you are wondering why you would pursue a goal if it is not attractive to you in the first place.

Good question.

Why? Because many do.

Why? Perhaps because they think it’s what they are supposed to do. Or what they think they want.

This could be a catastrophic roadblock, detour or even a “road closed” scenario on your path to reaching your goal. If it’s not attractive to you, your chances of success are diminished dramatically.

Do a quick and thorough check-in with your goal and your original intention. Is it what you truly want? Does it make your heart sing when you visualize reaching this goal?

How much does it excite you? What makes you passionate about achieving this?

If it feels extremely attractive to you, great! You are on the right path. You will have a strong motivation to see this through and overcome any obstacles.

If not, explore what is truly attractive to you. Remember that Still Small Voice inside of you. Listen to it.

R - Realistic:

Here is another place that often creates roadblocks. Often people set “pie in the sky” goals that are not realistic.

The chances of failure are considerable, while the chances of success are minute.

If they fail, people often allow that critical voice to take over and start beating themselves up. This even stops people from pursuing other goals.

So, let’s prevent this before you start down that road.

Be honest with yourself. Is this goal too far out of reach? What might prevent you from reaching this goal?

When you challenge yourself to answer these soul searching questions authentically, you will be further along the road to success than most before you even “begin” taking tangible steps toward your goal.

Next week: We wrap up the SMART Goal series with the very important: T - Timebound. If you want some individual guidance to help discover what you truly want or simply cannot wait until next week, feel free to reach out to either of us. We love getting direct messages from readers. We are here to help you.


John dedicates his life to helping others deepen their connection with the Sacred in the world, nature, and within oneself. He is a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Coach Trainer, NLP Practitioner, and Authorized Guide to John of God in Brazil. John currently lives in Boulder, Colorado with his fiancée and their wire hair terrier found on the streets of Brazil.

Through her ability to listen and connect intuitively on a deep level, Julie guides clients to acknowledge and honor their own personal strengths to (re)discover their own unique spark and achieve their goals, both personal and professional. She is a Certified Life Coach

and MBA currently living in Dallas, Texas with her husband and two rescued Labradors, Candy and Boom. Shine Bright!



Dallas, TX 75214

Tel: (469) 389-0378

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© 2018 by Julie Muhsmann and Lumen Coaching. 

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